Success Starts With You
Our fundamental purpose is to achieve optimal learning for all students in their pursuit of academic and personal success in a safe and caring environment.
School & Office Hours
School doors will be open at 8:15am with office hours from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm each day. We request that student not arrive prior to 8:15 am; especially during cold weather as the school will not be open.
Tim Driedger
Benjamin Friesen
Our fundamental purpose is to achieve optimal learning for all students in their pursuit of academic and personal success in a safe and caring environment.
2022-2023 Parent Council
Dale Wiebe (Chair)
Jason Janzen (Vice-Chair)
Michelle Sandford (Secretary)
Darlene Wieler
Mary Zacharias
Andrew Zacharias
Nettie Krahn
Peter Unrau
Katherine Martens
Community Member
John Unrau
Tim Driedger
Beng Friesen
School Members
Gregg McNeil (Principal)
Rachel Dika (Assistant Principal)
John Borges (Teacher)
Cross boundary transportation will not be provided for students attending schools out of their attendance area. However, subject to space availability on the bus, students may ride to a school out of their area from a location on an existing bus route. Existing bus routes will not be modified to provide transportation services to students outside their attendance area.
Extra-Curricular Participation Policy
Each student is expected to contribute positively to the classroom learning environment and a student’s level of success in school depends upon the manner in which studies are approached. A successful student attends classes regularly and on time, is prepared, studies daily and maintains organized notes. If a student is having problems with the work in a subject, he or she should first check with the teacher for assistance and hints on how to improve his or her studying. Students may wish to arrange for extra help from the teacher outside of regular class time.
Code of Conduct
A school must provide a safe and caring environment for students to learn effectively. This positive atmosphere presumes the following:
- Students exhibit respect for themselves and others.
- Students respect personal and public property.
- Students respect the expectations and policies of La Crete Public School and the Fort Vermilion School Division.
- Students contribute positively to the atmosphere in the school.
- Students show a willingness to work and learn.
Progressive Discipline Approach
For a majority of classroom disruptions, teachers will use a systematic progressive discipline approach similar to the one noted below. For more serious offenses (see below), students will be referred directly to administration. Some of the possible steps a teacher may follow in dealing with student discipline may include, but are not limited to:
- initial warning (individual or whole-class) and/or discussion of the situation (one-on-one with the student or whole-class)
- the student may be placed in a different seating arrangement, moved to another location in the classroom, removed from group or partner activities, a second warning, confiscation of distractor, loss of a privilege, etc.
- the student may be placed on a short (5 minute) time out outside the classroom. After discussion with the teacher, the student must agree to change their behaviour before reentering the classroom
- the student may be sent to the office for the duration of the class period. The teacher will complete a discipline referral form when a student is removed from class, chooses to leave the class or is asked to leave. Parents will be notified via the discipline referral form.
NOTE: The following behaviors are more extreme, and will be reported to administration immediately. These behaviours include but are not limited to:
- extreme defiance/disrespect towards school staff
- verbal abuse of or swearing at staff or students
- physical abuse of staff or students; i.e., fighting or hitting
- bullying
- sexually inappropriate behaviour
- vandalism
- theft
- being in the possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol either at school or a school sanctioned activity on or off the school campus
- smoking (including e-cigarettes) or chewing tobacco in the school or on school property
- being in the possession of a weapon
- making threats towards staff, students or the school
If a student behaves in the extreme, the normal process of moving through the discipline program will not occur. Instead, consultation between teaching staff and administration will determine the appropriate course of action. An out-of-school suspension or a recommendation for expulsion may occur along with other restorative forms of justice.
The aim of this program is to improve the education delivered to students who want to learn by dealing effectively with students who do not. Where disciplinary action is needed, the following guidelines shall be used:
- When the student’s pattern of disruptive behavior is not improving using a progressive discipline approach, or the student is removed for part or a whole class period, or the student displays extreme behaviour, the staff member completes a discipline referral form. A copy of the discipline referral form will be mailed to the parent. When circumstances warrant, the administrator will assist the student in improving his/her behaviour through consultation with the teacher.
- The student always receives a chance to change the pattern of behaviour, but if the student does not change and accumulates three such referrals, he/she then faces an in-school suspension of 1 day.
The guidelines for an in-school suspension are:
- The student must remain in the workspace provided at all times except for bathroom breaks.
- Breaks will not be taken with other students, nor will the student have freedom to roam the school.
- Course work will be provided by the classroom teacher for the student to do.
- Personal entertainment devices, such as cell phones, iPods, or gaming devices, will not be permitted.
- After the in-school suspension, the student will return to classes. If the pattern of behaviour continues and two more referrals are filled out, the student will be placed on a 2-day in-school suspension. At some point during this suspension, the parents may be called in for a discussion with teacher(s) and administrators.
- Following this in-school suspension, if another 2 referrals are filled out, the student will be placed on an out-of-school suspension.
- If the student’s behaviour does not curb after the out-of-school suspension, in future, for every 2 referrals, the student will be removed from school. Eventually, the route of expulsion may be examined.
- If the student’s referrals result from skipping classes, he or she may be placed on an in-school suspension rather than an out-of-school suspension.
- Any junior high student who skips classes will be placed on an in-school suspension.
It is important to remember that all steps in the discipline plan are:
- A student’s individual choice. Students can monitor themselves with respect to how to change and where they are on the program. If a student chooses to behave appropriately, this program will never be an issue for him or her. However, if a student chooses to disrupt the education of others on a persistent basis, this program will have an effect on him or her.
- At the discretion of administration. The timing of when the referrals come in, what the inappropriate behaviour was, how the situation was dealt with, the student’s personal background, etc., could affect decisions made concerning consequences in the program.
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FVSD personal electronic devices policy is to protect instructional time, promote
positive in-person interactions, and safeguard psychological well-being in all
No personal electronic devices are permitted, for any reason, to be used, visible
or otherwise easily accessible during the school day in any FVSD school. The
school day starts at 8:15 am and ends when the bus leaves the bus lanes.
Medical exemptions will be considered for physical medical conditions such as Type 1
Diabetes. All medical exemptions must be supported by a doctor and submitted
via email to the Associate Superintendent of Operations at Central Office.
As well all social media platforms will be restricted from school networks and
devices (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, WhatsApp, etc). School pages will be
updated outside the school day by administration or through the communication
officers during the school day.
FVSD staff and students cannot use a personal electronic device, in any capacity,
during the school day. A division issued device will be carried by administration
for emergency purposes only when leaving their office.
Before entering the building, all students must:
1. Leave the personal electronic device at home or in a vehicle;
2. If the phone comes to school, it will be put in a Yondr Pocket. Phones will be
powered off and put it in a Yondr Pocket
Yondr pockets will be distributed in the fall.
Students in violation of this policy will be disciplined in accordance with established procedures at FVSD.
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The teacher shall exercise professional judgment in the assessment, evaluation and reporting of his/her students’ progress in an objective, equitable and fair manner. All course objectives must adhere to the Program of Studies as outlined by Alberta Education.
Assessment and Evaluation Procedures
- Junior and Senior High students will be provided a course outline within the first week of the school year, semester, or quad course. Course outlines will include a description of the course, units of study, student expectations and student evaluation used to determine report card marks. Copies of course outlines are available to parents upon request.
- Testing procedures for Junior High include:
a) In Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, the following will apply:
- The mid-term examinations in these core subjects will be worth ten percent (10%) of the year’s mark.
- For students in grades 8, there will be a final examination worth twenty percent (20%) of the year’s mark.
- For students in grade 9, the Provincial Achievement Tests will be the final examination and will be worth thirty percent (30%) of the year’s mark. Additional components may be added to the Provincial Achievement Tests.
- Common assessments will be included in the course mark.
- Students in grade 8 that achieve 85% or higher (all marks) can be exempt from a maximum of two final exams. This FVSD exemption policy applies only to grade 7 and 8.
- Testing Procedures for Senior High Include:
a) In 10- and 20-level courses leading to a diploma examination, there will be a mid-term examination worth ten percent (10%) and a final examination worth thirty percent (30%) of the final course mark.
b) In 10- to 30-level courses not leading to a diploma examination (excluding CTS and Knowledge and Employability courses); there will be a mid-term examination worth ten percent (10%) and a final examination worth thirty percent (30%) of the final course mark. These may include performance-based assessments as appropriate.
c) For 30-level diploma examination courses, there must be a mid-term examination worth fifteen percent (15%) of the school-based mark. The diploma examination will be the final examination.
d) No senior high school student shall be exempt from final examinations.
Reporting Procedures
Student progress in all grades will be reported to parents, at minimum four times in each school year using the FVSD approved ISIS report card. Cumulative reporting will also be used by all teachers. Parents also have access to their child’s academic and attendance record for current courses online through Power school. Please come into the main office to sign up for access to the Power School Parent Portal.
Appeal Procedure
Every student and/or parent has the right to appeal marks, report card grades, final marks and promotion/retention decisions. Appeals must be made to the principal within five (5) days after the issuing of the student’s final marks or a decision made on promotion/retention. If a student or parent is not satisfied, further appeals may be made firstly to the Superintendent of Schools, secondly to the School Board, and ultimately to the Special Cases Committee of Alberta Education.
Alternatives to Zero
The Board of Trustees for the Fort Vermilion School Division has endorsed an Alternatives to Zero approach for all of its schools. Current research indicates that zeros have a negative effect on student achievement. Not only do zeros not indicate what the student actually knows but also they have a discouraging effect on students and promote failure. An Alternatives to Zero approach encourages students to complete the assigned work and continue gaining knowledge and skills.
La Crete Public School has created the following plan which indicates the strategies in place to encourage students complete assigned work and achieve to their potential. A zero may result for assigned work that is not submitted for marking after teachers have tried numerous alternatives to zero strategies. Such strategies may include but are not limited to the following:
- Modifications or Accommodations to a program to meet the student’s needs
- Differentiated Instruction
- A focus on in-class assessments of learning
- Extra help from the teacher during lunch, during My Space time, or after school
- Contact with the parent regarding missed homework or incomplete assignments
- Exam retakes (when equally valid/reliable exams are available)
- Mark substitution (when outcomes are successfully attained grades change)
- Credit recovery
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Student appearance has an important effect on attitudes toward themselves, toward other students and the school. While it is recognized that choice of attire/grooming are matters of expression and subject to fashion or current trends, any form of dress that is determined to interfere with the learning environment is prohibited.
The following general rules apply:
- Clean footwear must be worn at all times. Anyone entering the building will be asked to clean or remove wet/dirty footwear.
- Clothing is to cover the chest, back and midriff. Low‐cut shirts that allow inappropriate exposure such as halter tops, tube tops, or spaghetti strap tops shall not be worn. Shirts and pants are to meet at the waist to prevent exposure of the midriff. T-shirts that cover the shoulders and back meet the requirements of the dress code.
- Undergarments are to be covered at all times.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses shall be of an appropriate length to allow for standing, sitting, and bending while still providing adequate body coverage. Garments that reach the mid-thigh meet the requirements of the dress code.
- Clothing shall be free of inflammatory, suggestive, or other inappropriate writing, symbols, advertisement, or graphics. This includes apparel advertising alcohol/tobacco products, those promoting drugs/drug paraphernalia, or ones with any type of sexual connotations.
- For the safety and security of staff and students, the faces of all individuals must remain visible. Sweatshirt hoods must remain down.
If a student attends school wearing clothing that does not follow the school dress code, that student will be asked to change. Non‐compliance will result in parental notification and disciplinary action.
There are school-sanctioned events (such as graduation, swim trips, sporting events, etc.) that exist outside of the school’s dress code policy. In these cases, participants are to be cognizant of our community’s values around modesty.
Reviewed by School Council 2017-2018
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Our school recognizes that regular attendance at school is a significant contributing factor to student learning. In the interests of student learning, regular attendance at school shall be required of all students throughout the school year.
Statements of Responsibility
- Attendance in all classes is the joint responsibility of the student, and the parents.
- Students are responsible for all class work and assignments even if their absences are unavoidable or school generated.
- Parents are responsible for informing the school of all absences, preferably at the beginning of the absence.
- The school will inform parents of all absences not reported by parents through our computerized phone-out system on a daily basis.
- Teachers and administrators will work with parents to help solve any attendance issues.
- Teachers will discuss attendance concerns with students and will make the initial contact with parents either by telephone or through written notification.
- Teachers will advise administration when they believe that additional intervention is necessary.
- Teachers and administration will work with students and parents to try to modify behavior and to improve attendance. Disciplinary action may follow.
Computerized Phone-Out System
Each day during the early evening, the LCPS computerized phone system will phone parents regarding any absences for that day. Parents are encouraged to contact the school to confirm absences either by calling the school at 780-928-3913 or sending a note with their son or daughter.
Attendance Reports
Up-to-date summaries of student attendance are available upon request by phoning the school. An attendance record will also appear on each student’s report card. Parents can also obtain viewing access of their child’s attendance record by signing up at the school office for web access to the Power school Parent Portal.
Student Absences during the School Year
Parents/Guardians play an important role in developing a student’s attitude toward attending school. As a parent, show that you have a positive attitude toward school attendance by making every effort to:
- schedule appointments outside of school hours,
- plan family vacations in accordance with the school calendar as much as possible,
- inform the school of any absences prior to the schedule absence when possible,
- refuse to write excuses for anything other than legitimate absences,
- and if needed, request a record of your son or daughter’s school attendance from the school office.
In situations where parents/guardians choose to take students out of school for vacations, assistance to the family, farm leave, and so on, the school does not grant permission for the absence. Parents/guardians must accept full responsibility for the detrimental effects of the absence. If an absence is planned during the school year, the student or parent should let both administration and the various subject teachers know well before the absence. If the absence is of short duration, teachers will advise the student of what work will be covered during the absence. Teachers may also give assignments and guidance that will reduce the negative effects of the absence. In situations where a student will be absent from school for extended periods, the student may be requested to register with the La Crete Learning Store. Please note that in virtually all situations, significant absences will have a detrimental effect on student marks.
Students show responsibility by being on time for classes. This demonstrates respect to teachers and peers and helps promote an environment conducive to learning. Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:40 am and 12:50 pm. Students who are late must sign in at the office prior to reporting to their class. Students that are habitually late for class will be dealt with according to established classroom and school discipline procedures. Students who arrive 30 minutes after the start of class will be marked “absent” for that class period. Students that arrive after attendance in the first 30 minutes of class will be marked “late” and any student that leaves after the first 30 minutes will be marked “early leaver”.
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The La Crete Public School library has a good selection of novels, nonfiction resources, and magazines to satisfy the reading interests of students. Students are allowed to sign out a maximum of 2 items (novels/nonfiction resources) for 2 weeks and these items may be renewed twice, unless it is a new book and/or is reserved for another student. Students are welcome to come in and browse through the magazines as long as they are returned to the shelves before they leave.
If there are concerns with the library resources (books, novels, audio-visual materials, magazines, etc.) parents may submit a statement of concern about that particular item. The form can be accessed at the following link: Library Resource Concern Form
Textbooks & Chromebooks are signed out to the students from the library using each student’s library number. Junior High students must return their textbooks at the end of the school year. Senior high students must return their textbooks at the end of each course. Chromebooks must be returned at the end of the school year. All outstanding replacements fees/materials must be cleared before new materials can be signed out.
FVSD has the following guidelines in place regarding payment for lost and/or damaged materials:
1 year old or less 80% of replacement cost
2-3 years old 60% of replacement cost
4-5 years old 40% of replacement cost
5 years old or more 20% of replacement cost
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All students have access to participate in various extra-curricular opportunities. However, at times the privilege of participating will be removed if there are academic, discipline or attendance concerns. The following guidelines will be followed:
If a student is failing, but putting forth appropriate effort (all assignments are complete, requesting/receiving extra help, etc.), the student will be permitted to continue participating. If a student is failing, but not putting forth appropriate effort, then the student will be put on probation for one week (progress monitored by teacher/coach/supervisor/ administration). During this probation, the student may remain on the team or club, but must demonstrate that they are completing missed work in an attempt to raise their grades to passing. After one week, follow-up will occur and if evidence is provided that appropriate effort is being put forth, the probation is lifted. If poor academic behavior continues, then the student will be suspended for one additional school week. After this period, a decision to reinstate or remove the student from the team or club will be made by administration through consultation with teachers/coaches/supervisors. Coaches and supervisors need to confer with teachers regarding the performance of the team members, and teachers should notify coaches and/or supervisors of poor academic performance as soon as academic concerns are noted.
Students will be suspended from participating in all extra-curricular activities for the following situations:
- Any student on suspension will not be permitted to participate in curricular or extracurricular activities, field trips, etc. after school. The time frame will include a weekend if the suspension ends on a Friday.
- Three referrals during the extra-curricular season will result in permanent removal from the team or club.
- Extreme behavior resulting in a suspension will result in a suspension from the extra-curricular activity as decided by administration.
- Any student who has displayed extreme behaviour leading up to the commencement of the extra-curricular activity can be denied the privilege of trying out. This decision will be made by the administration.
All students involved in extra-curricular activities must have a minimum of 80% attendance during the previous four weeks of school. Excusable absences are not part of the absence calculations. If the attendance is less than 80%, the following conditions will apply:
- A student not maintaining an 80% attendance rate will be placed on probation for two weeks. The student may still participate during this probation. During the course of the probation, the student must bring his/her attendance up to 80% or higher. If this does not occur, the student will be permanently removed from the extra-curricular activity.
- If a student is absent from any classes during the school day, he or she will not be permitted to participate in curricular or extra-curricular activities, unless prior arrangements have been made with administration.
NOTE: No student can be placed on probation or removed from an extra-curricular activity due to academic, behavioural, or attendance reasons without approval of administration.
Student Travel
As a La Crete Public School student and/or athlete, students will be provided with the opportunity to travel to various schools or events within our school district and beyond.
Below is a list of what is expected of every LCPS student on such trips. If we meet these expectations, our travel will be safe, fun, and leave a positive impression of LCPS on other communities.
Students are expected to:
- Ride to and from the sports venue on school approved transportation.
- Follow proper rules for riding on the bus.
- Behave as a proper guest in other schools/facilities.
- Represent LCPS with pride and diligence.
- Return to the school - parents must give written permission for another parent to transport their child prior to the trip starting.
Athletes are expected to:
- Demonstrate sportsmanship both on and off the court.
- Respect officials and coaches.
- Wear proper clothing and footwear for the sport.
- Play their best, whether winning or losing.
- Ensure that their coach/supervisor knows where they are at all times.
FVSD Scent Aware Information
For the general population, exposure to scents is not typically problematic. However, from time-to-time, the presence of perfumes and other scented products can present indoor air quality concerns that may affect a person’s comfort. Furthermore, for a small portion of the general population, scented products may present a risk of health hazard.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions such as chemical sensitivities or sensitizations, asthma or allergies, exposure to some odours can cause a range of ill health effects. Some reported symptoms include: headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration, and/or skin irritation.
Scented products more commonly include the following:
● Personal hygiene products, such as shampoo, conditioner, hairsprays, deodorants, colognes, aftershaves, fragrances, perfumes, lotions, soaps, cosmetics and creams;
● Industrial and household chemicals and cleaners;
● Air fresheners, such as deodorizers, potpourri, oils and candles; and
● Various household products.
Raising the scent-awareness of our staff, students and public
Employees, students, and visitors will be informed of this guideline through signs posted in Fort Vermilion School Division #52 schools and buildings, website information, newsletters, and healthy workplace promotional materials.
Minimizing the use of, and exposure to, scented products
● Persons entering our schools and buildings will be encouraged to use scent-free products.
● Wherever possible in our schools and buildings, scent-free products should be used. The purchase and use of “unscented” products will be preferred over scented substitutes where possible. This will involve a review of Material Safety Data Sheets for commercial products currently used and those intended for use, as well as examination of product samples to ensure that the ingredients are unscented.
● Health and Safety 2016 Revision
● Wherever possible, maintenance, renovation, etc. with which an “atypical” odour is associated should be scheduled to occur at times of reduced occupancy.