On October 20, 2025 School Board elections will take place across the province of Alberta. School board trustees are local politicians elected by and accountable to the community they serve. If you are a new candidate, congratulations on making the leap into electoral politics. If you are running for re-election or have run before, congratulations on seeking community representation once again. You are taking the first step in an important democratic process.
Important Dates
- January 1, 2025: Nomination period OPENS
- September 22, 2025 @ 12 PM: Nomination period CLOSES
- September 23, 2025: Candidates may withdraw their nomination in writing or in person.
Considering becoming an FVSD Trustee?
Prospective candidates for the position of school board trustee at Fort Vermilion School Division (FVSD) should carefully review the following information and check this site for additional information as it becomes available.
Additional resources and links to more information can be found at the bottom of this page.
Election Day: October 20, 2025
Boundary Map

For a detailed explanation of ward boundaries please review the following document: FVSD Ward Boundaries (2025)
FVSD Ward Boundaries
FVSD is divided into eight electoral wards or boundaries. Each ward has a school trustee who has been elected by the citizens within the boundaries of that ward, wards 2 and 6 elect two trustees each.
- Ward 1: Rainbow Lake / Zama City (1 trustee)
- Ward 2: High Level (2 trustees)
- Ward 3: Rocky Lane (1 trustee)
- Ward 4: Fort Vermilion (1 trustee)
- Ward 5: Blumenort (1 trustee)
- Ward 6: La Crete (2 trustees)
- Ward 7: Buffalo Head Prairie (1 trustee)
- Ward 8: Tompkins Landing (1 trustee)
Successful school board trustees put the needs of students first. They run for office because they passionately believe a quality education is one of the most important things a community can do to ensure students have the knowledge and skills that enable them to be better prepared for life.
Do I need to be an expert in education? No, you don’t! The school board trustee does not serve as a professional educator or as the spokesperson for a particular interest group or region. The ideal school board includes people from all aspects of life and is as representative as possible of the community it serves.
Submitting Nomination Forms
Candidates may submit their nomination papers at any time during regular business hours throughout the Nomination Period, January 1 - September 22, 2025, by making an appointment with Returning Officer, Norman Buhler by email or phone (780-927-3766).
Candidates may submit their nomination papers at any time between the hours of 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM on Nomination Day, Monday, September 22, 2025 at FVSD Central Office, 5213 River Road, Fort Vermilion, AB. FVSD is divided into eight electoral wards or boundaries.
More information about Trustee Elections and instructions for completing nominations can be found in this document: FVSD Nomination Information (2025 Election)
Nomination Process
Nominations must be filed during the designated nomination period, which begins January 1, 2025 and closes on September 22, 2025 at 12:00 PM.
Candidates MUST:
- Complete the required nomination forms, including Form 4 (Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance) and Form 5 (Candidate Financial Information). The forms can be found on the Government of Alberta website, in the Municipal Elections section.
- Secure signatures from at least five eligible electors who reside within the school board's jurisdiction.
- Submit the forms in person to the Returning Officer at the school board office. To make an appointment, please contact Norman Buhler, Associate Superintendent of Finance, by email or phone (780-927-3766).
There are some basic requirements you must meet to be eligible:
- are eligible to vote in the election*
- have been a resident of the local jurisdiction and the ward for the six consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day, and;
- is not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.
*A person is eligible to vote in an election held pursuant to this Act if the person:
- is at least 18 years old,
- is a Canadian citizen, and
- resides in Alberta and the person's place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on Election Day.
NOTE: These are general guidelines. Candidates should refer to the Local Authorities Election Act and the Education Act for complete information, available on the Alberta King's Printer website.
Every candidate should review Part 5-Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure of the Local Authority Election Act (LAEA). Every candidate (including a candidate who withdraws) is required to file a disclosure statement (Form 26-Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement) with FVSD on or before March 1, 2025.
*Form 26-Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement will be shared here once available.
ASBA Guide for School Board Trustees (document)
FVSD Policies & Information:
- Policy 2.2: Role of the Board
- Policy 2.3: Role of the Chair
- Policy 2.4: Role of the Trustee
- Policy 2.6: Trustee Code of Conduct
- Policy 2.8: Meetings
- Policy 2.10: Monitoring Performance
- Full Board Policies
- Trustee Handbook
FVSD General Information:
- FVSD Trustee Webpage (information about current board, meeting dates, agendas, and meeting minutes)
- FVSD Division Webpage (department information, links to news and school calendar)
- 2023-2024 Annual Education Results & 2024-2027 Education Plan (document)
Trusteeship & Elections: