Routine School Immunizations

Public Health Nurses will be doing routine school immunizations (ie protection against tetanus, diphtheria, measles etc.) over the next few weeks. Fort Vermilion School Division has worked with Public Health for a number of years to help facilitate access to routine immunizations and provide an opportunity to catch up on any that are overdue.
Alberta Health Services recommends the following immunization schedule: Routine Immunization Schedule
School Immunization consent forms indicating what each child is due for will be sent home with students. These forms need to be returned to school with consent or refusal selected.
No immunization will be given without parental consent.Covid-19 vaccination will NOT be given in schools.
If you have any questions regarding immunization and vaccine consent for your child please contact La Crete Public Health at (780)928-6800.
Information Links:
Government of Alberta: Immunization & Routine Immunization Schedule
Public Health Agency of Canada: A Parent's Guide to Vaccination
Canadian Pediatric Society: Caring for Kids - Immunization