Letter for Parents from AB Health - Vaccine for Children 5-11 Years

"Our Children, Our Students, Our Future"
Fort Vermilion Schools honour the family's choice on moving forward with vaccination for your children. We wish you well in whichever decision you make.
Fort Vermilion School Division does not have any vaccination requirements (COVID-19 or otherwise) for students attending schools within our jurisdiction. No student will be denied access to an education based on their vaccination status. FVSD will continue to recognize and respect parents as the primary decision-makers for their children regarding all vaccinations. We encourage parents to seek out reliable and factual information to inform their decisions on vaccines for their children.
Alberta Health has requested that the following information be shared out to parents, please click the link below to read Dr. Hinshaw's Letter to Parents:
AB Health Parent Letter - RE: Vaccines for Children 5-11 Years (Nov 24, 2021)
Health Canada has approved the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 - 11 years. The Canadian Pediatric Society and Alberta Health is recommending that all eligible children get vaccinated against COVID-19. You may book an appointment by using the online booking tool or by calling Health Link at 811.
Parent or guardian consent is required for children to get their vaccine and can be provided either in-person at the vaccine appointment, or by a signed consent form.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information Resources:
Government of Alberta: COVID-19 Vaccines & Records
Alberta Health Services: COVID-19 Immunization for Children Under 12
Caring for Kids (Canadian Pediatric Society): COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and Youth
Health Canada: Vaccines for Children: COVID-19