FVSD Connection Team: Mental Health Monday-Growing Gratitude
Spring has sprung and many of you have started to plan for and look forward to all the things that you will grow in your backyard this year! Whether or not you are a gardener, there are many things that we can learn from taking care of plants or other living things. Maybe you’ve taken care of a small house plant, your pet fish, a cat or dog, or helped take care of your lawn. Either way, we all know that living things need care and require certain things to grow and flourish. The same is true for our thoughts and feelings.
Whether we notice it or not we feed and care for our minds with the things that we think, say and do. One of the simplest, but most important ways to care for our minds is by growing gratitude. Most of us express our gratitude by saying “thank-you” to someone who has helped us or given us something.
However, gratitude is so much more than these two simple words, it also serves an important purpose in our hearts and minds.
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