Alternatives to Zero
Applied Alternatives to Zeros
High Level Public School has practices and procedures in place in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to receive appropriate and timely feedback from their teachers and to help build a successful foundation as they progress in their course work.
Teacher weekly emails will include assignment and test dates. Students are able to access all assignments on Google classroom. Parents and students can access student grades and missing assignments through the parent portal.
Senior High students who have missed or incomplete assignments must submit all work to their teacher one week prior to the completion of the final exam. Junior High students will be required to pass in missing assignments BEFORE the end of each reporting period (November 8, January 29, April 9, June 12) . This allows adequate time to mark the assignments and provide timely student feedback.
Once a student is missing a minimum of 2 assignments, or has a grade of less than 50%, parent contact will be made.
Phone calls will be attempted first and if unsuccessful an email will be sent. Students are responsible for making arrangements with their teachers to pass in missed or incomplete assignments and complete assessments. Students who are absent from school, including parent excused, are responsible for making alternative arrangements to complete missed work.
Any work that remains incomplete or missing after multiple interventions (ie. Contact home, extra help offered, or alternative outcome assessments to address missed teaching) will be marked with a zero. All interventions and communications will be logged in PowerSchool.