School Directory

2022-2023 School Handbook

Florence MacDougall Community School provides a safe, happy and successful environment for everyone.

Our FMCS family reads, works, cares and shares together. We believe in FRIENDSHIP, MANNERS, CARING and SAFETY.

Scroll down for information regarding daily operations and school policies. You may also download a copy of the handbook by clicking the button below. 

This handbook download is also in your child's daily agenda. Please note, the downloadable version of the handbook was created at the end of the previous school year - the most current version of the handbook is posted below.)

2022-2023 FMCS Student Handbook

Daily Operation

 8:30 am          First Bell

 8:40 am          Classes Begin

 2:45 pm          Students Dismissed

Office Procedures

Daily office hours are 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The phone number is 780-926-2331 and email is

If a child is under a custody order, we MUST have a copy of it in the office in order to abide by it.


All visitors to the school MUST report to the office. 

Morning Exercises

O Canada is played over the intercom system every morning at 8:50 AM to signal the beginning of the school day. This is preceded by morning announcements.

Telephone Policy

Children have access to the phone to call parents if they are not feeling well or if they have forgotten their lunch.
Students MAY NOT use the phone to make arrangements to visit friends. 


All teachers at Florence MacDougall Community School are certified to teach in the province of Alberta.  All staff must provide a criminal record and intervention record (child welfare) check prior to employment with Fort Vermilion School Division.


Bussing is provided for rural students at no charge, bussing for urban students in provided for a fee. Bus arrivals and departures are supervised. Bus drivers explain expected student behaviour and safety procedures. Please contact the FVSD Bus Garage at 780-928-3860 for bussing information and to register for rural or urban bussing.

Busses may not be operational on bad weather days, however the school is open. It is announced over the Radio station CKYL 102.1and KIX FM 106.1 if the busses are not running due to inclement weather. You may also download the FREE Bus Status app from the iTunes Store or Google Play (Bus Status by Box Clever). Our website displays all current bus statuses on the home page, the division website also displays all current bus statuses on their home page (
Children riding busses should be dressed warmly in case the bus breaks down. Children will be sent home by their regular means unless parents advise us of a different arrangement.

Student Loading Zone

Our parking area and student loading zone had some improvements done over the summer. Please follow all posted signage during pick up and drop off. For the convenience of those using the loading zone, sidewalks are kept free of snow and dirt.
If you drop your children off or pick them up in front of the school, please use the west side of Rainbow Boulevard.
NO CHILDREN should be dropped off on the EAST SIDE of Rainbow Boulevard.

Absenteeism and Tardiness

Regular attendance is a requirement of the School Act. Please ensure that your child is absent only when necessary (i.e. sickness, medical appointments). Punctuality is a general expectation for all.
For safety reasons, children arriving late MUST use the front doors of the school and check in at the office before proceeding to class. If a child is habitually late or absent, the parents or guardians will be contacted. 

Absence Automated Call Out

The purpose of this program is to inform parents if their child has not arrived at school.  Whenever your child will be absent, please call the school at 780-926-2331 or email by 8:45 AM.  At 9:20 AM when the student is not accounted for your child's information will be uploaded to our call out system. If you choose not to be a part of our program, please call the school. 

Weather Policy

Students will be outdoors at break times when at all possible. This includes rainy days and when temperatures are above -25C. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately.

Lunch Policy

Students are encouraged to stay at school for lunch. Lunches are eaten in the students' own classrooms and a staff member (usually their teacher) will be supervising. Students are NOT permitted to leave the school grounds unless they bring a note from home.

Peanut/Nut Safe Policy

Due to severe allergic conditions within our student body, FMCS is a Peanut/Nut Safe Zone. This includes peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts or any type of tree nut.

It is very important that all parents and students help us by not sending peanuts/nuts or food containing them to school. Our goal is to create an environment where all children are safe and comfortable. Thank you for your assistance in this area.

Illness and Injury

When children are ill, it is undesirable for them to be at school. Their health is regained more slowly, they learn little, and there is the possibility of others coming into contact with the illness.
If a child becomes ill during the day, the parent or guardian will be contacted and advised to take the child home. In the case of injury on the playground or in the school, the child is taken to the infirmary. If the injury is very minor, appropriate first aid is used. If the injury appears more serious, the parent or guardian will be notified.
It is extremely important that we have your CURRENT PHONE NUMBER as well as a work number or alternate number. 

Fire Drills and Lockdowns

Fire drills and Lockdowns are conducted throughout the year. Plans are posted in each classroom to ensure a safe and orderly procedure.


Students MUST have indoor shoes. This is necessary in the event of a fire drill or a fire. Please label your child's shoes with their name.


In case of an emergency the students of Florence MacDougall Community School will be evacuated to the High Level Public School gymnasium.

Community Health

The Public Health Nurse visits the school as required to do immunizations and tuberculin skin test if parental consent has been granted. She may also do vision and hearing screening if so requested.

Medical Information

Please inform the school of any medical problems your child may have. It is necessary for us to know about the problem and the immediate treatment if we are to respond wisely given an emergency situation.

We do not generally administer medication to students at school. However, we understand there are times when this is unavoidable. If you find this is the case for your child, please fill out the Medical Request form below, bring it to the office and we will work together to make arrangements.

If your child has ongoing or high risk health concerns that we should know about please contact us immediately. Your child's health and safety is our top priority and we need to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Again, if there is something we should know that will help us to keep your child safe, please contact us immediately to discuss details and outline a plan of action.   

Thank you!


Administering Medication - Request Form


There are a wide variety of books, online resources and magazines in our library for students.
Students are allowed to sign out books for a two-week period. If library books are lost, students are expected to pay replacement cost

Skateboard/Roller Blade, Scooter and Bike Policy

Students are asked to bring a bike lock to help secure their bike during the day. For safety reasons, they are not to be used on school property during the school day.

Effective Behaviour Support (EBS)

At FMCS we believe that a positive approach to discipline and teaching students appropriate behaviours throughout the year will help them be successful, safe and secure.  EBS is a system that we use to help our children learn the expected behaviours and reward those same behaviours.  We have four school wide rules (see below) that we teach the children; and we provide them with positive examples to be successful. 





Children identified as following the rules will be rewarded with a Bear Hug. This certificate is collected in the office and at the end of each week will be entered for the chance to win a prize. In our EBS system we reward students for positive behaviour. This teaches children that appropriate behaviours are worthwhile.