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Notice to residents regarding the Fort Vermilion Donation Centre (Fort Vermilion) Community Complex

May 13, 2020

We would like to thank the countless hours of all the volunteers that have helped set up the donation centre.  A special thank you to all the individuals, organizations, and businesses that collected, donated, and transported donations to help the families of Fort Vermilion and Butter Town who have been impacted by the flood. 

As a means of keeping everyone safe during COVID 19, we will follow the protocol set by Alberta Health Services.  Please read the following instructions: 

  • No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the centre 

  • 2 people per household per day 

  • Must enter at the far side of arena (west double doors) 

  • Volunteers will direct you as you enter building 

  • Follow the tape on the floor as the direction of traffic 

  • Everyone must wear gloves 

  • Social distancing will be maintained; max 15 individuals at one time  

  • Name and address required  

The donation centre will be open to all impacted families on Tuesday May 19th from 1-3pm. Going forward, the centre will be open Mon-Fri from 1-3pm. 

We are looking forward to helping fill some of your needs at this very difficult time. As some items are limited, and to be fair to everyone, we have developed a few guidelines that hope will help. 


  • 1 New bedding outfit per household (until all gone) 

  • 2 New pillows per household (until all gone) 


    • All clothing items can be taken as needed 


  • All homeowners are eligible to put their names in for any major appliances and a draw will be made at the end of each week.  


    • All evacuees are eligible to put their names in for any beds/furniture items and a draw will be made at the end of each week. 


  • Each family can complete a wish list as they leave the complex for any additional items needed. 

  • All items must be taken ASAP due to storage shortage. 


The donation centre will remain open until the community is no longer in need.  All ‘leftover’ food items will go to the Fort Vermilion Food Bank, while clothing and household items will be given to the trading post or to surrounding communities in need.