Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey

It's that time of year again! Alberta Education has begun sending out Assurance Surveys to parents of students in Grades 4, 7 and 10.
In small schools (120 students or less) parents with children in Grades 4-12 will receive the surveys.
What is the survey for?
Each year, Alberta Education surveys students, parents, and all teachers on behalf of schools and school authorities to assess what is working well and where there is room for improvement. Schools and school authorities use this information to understand how they are doing and to plan for the future.
School authorities in Alberta are required to report their performance according to a number of different measures that provide key information about how they are doing. A provincial survey allows all school authorities to be measured on the same things at the same time.
Why should I complete the survey?
Your feedback is valuable! Survey results are analyzed at the school and district levels to gauge how we are doing in the areas of student growth, education quality, access to supports and services, as well as opportunities for parental involvement in decisions about your child's education.
These results are reported annually in our Annual Education Results Report* and posted to the FVSD website by the end of November. You can view a copy of the 2022-2023 survey results via the link above, or through the "Read More" button just under the banner on our homepage.
*See pages 11, 12, and 13 for an overview of last year's survey results; a link to the detailed report can be found under the heading on each page.
How do I complete the survey?
Keep an eye on your mailbox! Parents and guardians will receive a survey invitation by mail with the option to complete the survey on a paper form OR online using the provided Random Access Code. You will find this Access Code in the mailout from Alberta Education and will need to enter it at the start of the online survey.
If you did not receive your Random Access Code, require a paper application, or have any questions about the survey, please contact your child's principal.
Visit the Alberta Education website for more information: Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) Survey
Have your Random Access Code?
Click to Start the Survey!
NOTE: If there is a question you are unsure about or that does not apply to your or your child, you may leave it blank. Please be aware that a response of "I Don't Know" is counted as a negative response.
SURVEY DEADLINE: March 1, 2024
We thank you for your participation in this important piece of your child's education and future!