School Directory

Student Fee Consultation

FVSD Student Fee Consultation 2019

Annually the Fort Vermilion School Division will consult with stakeholders relating to setting, increasing or decreasing to any fee or cost.  Please complete the questionnaire below which will provide information that will be compiled and brought to the March Public Board Meeting.  

Please find the Student Fee Structure guideline below for your review.



Student Fee Structure

Schools may charge a student’s parent any fee or cost for resources related to instruction pursuant to the School Fees and Cost Regulation and School Transportation Regulation, the School Act, and the FVSD Student Fee Structure Guideline.

Fees are due and payable at the time of registration and prior to receipt of services unless arrangements are made with the school principal for alternative terms of payment.

  1. Schools may charge school fees as identified in Fee Schedule.
  2. Schools shall ensure that fees listed in Fee Schedule are only used for the purpose for which they are collected and should be directly related to the cost of the resource/service provided to the student.
  3. Financial records shall be maintained at the school and Division level, for the fees collected and disbursed.
  4. Fees for services provided over time shall be assessed and refunded on a prorated basis.
  5. The school fee schedule shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Secretary-Treasurer. Any change to the school fee schedule shall be reviewed by the Board of Trustees.
  6. An amended fee schedule shall be reviewed by the School Board by the end of March for the following school year.
  7. In developing and reviewing the fee schedule the Superintendent may receive input from Central Office Administration, School Principals, staff, school council, parent(s)/guardian(s) and where appropriate other community stakeholders.
  8. Fees shall be identified in the Division Budget.
  9. Schools are prohibited from requiring parent(s)/guardian(s) to provide goods or services in lieu of fees unless otherwise indicated in Fee Schedule.
  10. In the 2017-2018 school year, school leadership will consult with FVSD Central Office Administration to develop standardized student supply lists.

 Consultation and Annual Approval

The Secretary-Treasurer shall consult with parent(s)/guardian(s) prior to February of each school year. Consultation is related to the setting, increasing or decreases to any fee or cost. Consultation may take a variety of forms, such as parent surveys, online feedback, and School Councils.

Secretary-Treasurer will collate parental input for presentation to the Board of Trustees when reviewing fees in the March Board Meeting.


Schools are required to demonstrate to parent(s)/guardian(s)

  1. The need to charge any fee or cost, including the amounts.
  2. Through information provided in staff and student handbooks, schools shall inform staff and parents of:
  • The circumstances under which any fee or cost may be waived or refunded.
  • The process a parent has to follow to request that a fee or cost be waived or refunded.
  • A process designed to ensure that the staff of each school and the parents of students enrolled in that school are notified of the circumstances under which a fee or cost may be waived or refunded and of the procedure for requesting that a fee or cost be waived or refunded, as the case may be.

Schools are to follow FVSD Dispute Resolution Process which is designed to enable the resolution of disputes and concerns between parents and the Board.

 Fee Schedule 2018-2019

Fees for Courses:

The Industrial Education/Home Economics rates for consumable materials are as follows:

a) Junior High - Grades 7-9 $20.00

b) Senior High - Grades 10-12 $5.00 per credit to a maximum of $80.00 per student per year.


Calculator Rent $20.00 (Maximum)

No additional fees and no refunds will either be assessed or paid for any additional credits earned or credits not achieved.


Extracurricular Fees per Sport/Clubs:

High School Sports Team $125.00 (Maximum)

Junior High Sports Team $100.00 (Maximum)

All Other Sports $30.00 (Maximum)

Zone Fee for Individual Sports $50.00 (Maximum)

Provincial Fee for Individual Sports $50.00 (Maximum)

Overnight Tournament Fee (per tournament) $100.00 (Maximum)

Clubs $100.00 (Maximum)

Hotel Rooms (Cost Recovery)

Ski Trips $400.00 (Maximum)


Activity Fees:

Adventure Academy $180.00

Out of Province Trips Defined by 3rd Party Fee

Field Trips $125.00 (Maximum)

Graduation $300.00 (Maximum)


Non-Curricular Goods and Services:

Locks (Refundable) $5.00 (Maximum)



Lost and/or damaged textbooks or technology shall be charged according to the following schedule:

1 year old or less 80% of replacement cost

2-3 years old 60% of replacement cost

4-5 years old 40% of replacement cost

More than 5 years old 20% of replacement cost


Any variance to current 2018-2019 school fees requires Superintendent approval. Each school must have a Student Fee Schedule outlined in their school handbook.

Urban Transportation:

Transportation is available to students within the 2.4 kilometers walk limit and residing in the urban area. The cost for urban transportation within the Division is as follows:

Students with physical disabilities – no charge

E.C.S. (1/2 time) - $25.00 per month

E.C.S (Full-time) - $40.00 per month

Grades 1-6 - $40.00 per month

Grades 7-12 - $50.00 per month

Family Rate Maximum - $100.00 per month


Rural Yard Service:

Yard Service will be provided free of charge to students where there is a child in grade three or less and the driveway exceeds 0.4 kilometers (1/4 mile), or where the driveway exceeds 0.8 kilometers (1/2 mile) for any other students. Parents who want yard service and do not meet the distance requirement will be charged $75 per month. Students with physical disabilities may be provided yard service at no cost.


Student Fee Waiver Process

The Board of Trustees has established a student fee structure for student services. The Board of Trustees recognizes that while fees are necessary, some parents or students may be unable to afford such fees. To ensure that students have access to a basic education the Board, through this policy, makes provision for forgiving fees where economic hardship can be demonstrated.



  1. Applications for waiver or adjusting of the fee will be made directly to the Secretary-Treasurer who will be responsible for making the appropriate determination. For a copy of the form see here.
  2. The Secretary-Treasurer in consultation with the Superintendent shall establish criteria by which applications are evaluated.
  3. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis from the information provided on the application form, supplemented, if necessary, by discussion with the applicant.
  4. Rejected applicants may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools.



  1. Criteria for evaluating applications under this policy shall include income levels using data available from Statistics Canada, family size and other criterion that may be useful in determining economic hardship.
  2. Waiving or adjusting of fees may be applied to fees outlined in the FVSD Student Fee Schedule.
  3. Fees may be waived for the entire school year or for a portion of the school year, subject to specific circumstances.